アフガニスタン女子柔道選手 IJFグランドスラム出場!


“این بار مسابقات جهانی “گرند سلام” سال 2021 در کشور ازبکستان برگزار گردیده است. اشترک کنندهگان این مسابقات از پنج قاره و بیش از هفتاد کشور جهان است. در میان ۴۹۷ تن اشتراک کننده ۲۹۶ تن پسر و ۲۰۱ تن دیگر شان دختر خانم ها می باشند. در این میان از افغانستان ۱۱ تن اشتراک نموده که ۱۰ پسر و یک دختر خانم می باشد. برای این جوانان زحمت کش اعم از زن و مرد افغانستان که در چنین شرایط دشوار دوشادوش کشور های پیشرفته و رو به پیشرفت با شهامت و دلیری و ذهن پریشان شان در عدم تشویق و توجه مسئولین سهم میگیرند موفقیت فراوان برای آینده هایشان خواهانم. این ها نمایندگی از یک نسل مقاومت برای پیشرفت افغانستان می نمایند”.فرخنده زهرا نادری ادمین′′
訳「今回は2021年世界グランドサラム選手権がウズベキスタンで開催されました。 これらの試合の参加者は497人。 296人は男子, 他201人は女子です。 このうち, アフガニスタンから11人が参加し, 少年10人と少女1人。先進国でこんな困難な時期にいるアフガニスタンの勤勉な男女の 将来のために大成功を願っています。 彼らはアフガニスタンの進歩に対する抵抗世代を表している” ザラナデリ」


Report about Parwin Askari’s trip to the Grand Slam in Tashekent Uzbekistan.
This is the report about Parwin Askari’s trip to the Grand Slam in Tashkent Uzbekistan from March 5th to March 8th, 2021.
The Afghanistan Judo team was invited to participate at the International Judo Federation Grand Slam in Tashkent Uzbekistan. A team of seven men were selected by the Afghan Judo federation to compete at the IJF competition, however, no woman was selected. The Women Leaders of Tomorrow non-profit organization advocated for Parwin Askari to be included in the team. This proposal was rejected by the Afghan Judo federation stating that they did not have the budget to include her.
WLT’s Executive Director, Friba Rezayee discussed the matter with the head of the Cultivator, Ms. Miyajima and Ms. Miyajima begin to raise funds with the supporters from Japan. The goal was to raise $1000 USD that will cover all the costs of trip for Parwin Askari. The cultivator was able to raise
$1647.00 CAD. This amount was sent via PayPal to Friba’s personal RBC bank account. This is the amount after PayPal transferring fees was deducted by the PayPal company. $1250 CAD were sent via Western Union to Parwin Askari to Kabul Afghanistan prior to her departure for the competition on March 1st 2021. Based on that day’s currency exchange, Parwin received $906.13 USD in cash, which was paid towards her expenses including, airfare, hotel, cost of COVID 19 test, and food.
An amount of $224.70 CAN was used to pay towards the mailbox for 12 months rental from Canada Post in Canada for the Women Leaders of Tomorrow organizations’s mailing address. This is a permanent address for the organization which is required by the Canadian provincial and federal governments. The remaining amount from this donations is $40.80 CAD.
WLT is grateful to Ms. Miyajima’s hard work and support for Afghan women’s Judo team.
Attached are all the receipts of all the payments for your reference.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
-Friba Rezayee
PO Box 18454 West Georgia RPO
Vancouver, BC V6Z 0B3
Reported by 宮嶋泰子