アフガニスタン最初の女子オリンピアンからの手紙 少数民族に対するテロ攻撃
2021年5月8日カブールでのテロ 爆発、女子生徒ら85人死亡 下校時間帯に
関連記事 https://www.bbc.com/japanese/57052821

私はすぐに女学校と格闘技クラブに通い始めました。最初、私はボクシングをして、16歳になったらラスベガスでモハメド・アリの娘であるライラ・アリに挑戦したいと思っていました。しかし、当時アフガニスタンでボクシングをしている少女は私だけだったために、ボクシングを続けることはできませんでした。しかし、私は柔道に出会うことができました。ノルウェーのNPO「Judo for Fred」とアフガニスタンのコーチたちから支援を受けて、私は柔道のトレーニングを始めました。 2004年、私はアテネオリンピックに出場する代表選手に選ばれました。私はアフガニスタンからオリンピックに出場した初めての女性選手2人のうちの1人でした。
A Hazara girl’s story for the Asian Heritage Month for CBC
My name is Friba Rezayee. I was born and raised in Afghanistan. I belong to the Hazara ethnic minority. Hazaras, who speak Persian with Hazaragi dialect, mostly live in the central highlands of Afghanistan. My parents, however, come from Sar-e-Pul northern province of Afghanistan. Hazaras are majority Shia Muslims in a Sunni majority country.
I was born in the capital city of Kabul. My father worked as a chef with American diplomats in Kabul during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. My siblings and I grew up in the compounds of the American diplomats in Kabul, where we had access to Western food and toys. My father told us stories of how Hazaras were persecuted in Afghanistan. According to documents adopted by the United States Department of Justice1, more than half of the Hazara population was massacred during King Abdul Rahman Khan’s reign in the late 1890s. As such, Hazaras, who were once the majority ethnic group in Afghanistan, were turned into minority group after the genocide. Even during my father’s lifetime during King Zahir Shah’s forty years of monarchy, Hazaras were not allowed to higher education, military brass, and important civil jobs. Similarly, Hazaras were persecuted by other ethnic groups in Afghanistan by racial slurs such as “Mouse Eating Flat Nose Hazaras.
Working as a chef with American Peace Corps volunteers in Afghanistan during the 1960s and later with US diplomats, my father taught himself how to read and write Persian Dari, but also English to read cookbooks and speak with his expatriate employers.
Over the course of decades, social and political situation for Hazaras gradually became better particularly with the Communist-backed government and later under the US/NATO presence.
Afghanistan, however, once again turned into new hell for Hazaras with the emergence of the Taliban, who are majority Sunni Pashtun, the same ethnicity and religious sect as King Abdul Rahman Khan who committed genocide against Hazaras. In the 1994, when the Taliban took over the country, they massacred Hazaras in central highland and in northern Afghanistan. In one incident more than 8,000 Hazara men and women were massacred in the city of Mazar-e Sharif. We fled to neighboring Pakistan. As as immigrants in the city of Peshawar, we were constantly called “Changis Khan” as a joke and insult by other kids at school, and in the community.
My family returned to Afghanistan after American toppled the Taliban government in 2002. I immediately enrolled at all girls’ school, and martial arts club. I initially wanted to do boxing, and challenge Mohammad Ali’s daughter Laila Ali at a boxing ring in Las Vegas at age of 16. But because I was the only girl who was doing boxing at that time in the entire county, it wasn’t possible for me to continue training boxing. I, however, found another passion, Judo. With the support from a Norwegian non-profit organization Judo for Fred, and my Afghan coaches, I started training Judo. In 2004, I was selected to compete at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. I was one of the first two women ever from Afghanistan to participate in the Olympic Games.
My family and friends were proud of me for making history, however, success came with its own challenges. I was discriminated for being Hazara, and a woman. I was taunted and threatened by fundamentalists in my country. Extremists were not happy that I had not covered my head and legs.
I went into hiding for my and my family’s safety for a decade. I then migrated to Canada in January 2011. I love Canada. This is heaven for me. I want to live and die here.
The common assumption that people make about me in Canada is that I am from another Asian country. Mostly from Philippines, Thailand or China. If I am in the US, the Americans think that I am from Mexico and or from other South American countries. They start speaking in Spanish with me.
In Canada, on multiple occasions, I was approached by the Chinese community and was asked a question about direction to Skytrain stations in Chinese. They were surprised when I didn’t speak Mandarin.
A lot of people don’t know about Asiatic looking people in Afghanistan.
We exist and we are targeted by terrorist groups of Taliban and ISIS. These extremists call us “Kafer” or “infidels,” meaning our killing is permitted. These two terrorist groups have also declared a “Fatwa” or religious decree, against the Hazaras who are Shia Muslims, calling us heretics worse than infidels.
On October 2020, an education center, Kawsar-e-Danish was bombed in Dasht-e-Barchi area west of Kabul. A densely populated Hazara neighborhood. Islamic State claimed responsibility in a statement on Telegram. This particular attack killed fifteen people including the students.
On May 12, 2020, twenty-four women, children and babies were killed when gunmen entered the facility and opened fire at MSF maternity ward—a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders in the same area. A total of twenty-six mothers and mothers-to-be were inside at the time. Three of the sixteen mothers were shot and killed in the delivery room, along with their unborn babies. The majority of all the casualties were Hazaras.
On May 8, 2021, a car bombing at Afghan school, Sayyed-ul- Shohada, in Kabul killed eighty-five schoolgirls and injured over a hundred and fifty. The attack specifically targeted Hazaras to prevent them from going to school, have an education, and to stop them being successful. The extremists’ strategy is to kill as many Hazaras as possible, and to spread fear among the remaining of the population.
Media has got it mostly wrong when reporting on the latest attack in west of Kabul. They call it an attack against women or girls who go to school. But media must know that Hazaras are being attacked for their ethnicity. It’s an ethnic terrorism going on against us Hazaras in Afghanistan.
