
Sports Bring Peace and Prosperity スポーツは平和と繁栄をもたらす
April 6, which marks the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace, is an annual celebration of the power of sport to drive social change, community development, and fostering of peace and understanding according to the United Nations’ mandate.

こうしたスポーツが持つ力は、特にアフガニスタンのような発展途上国で顕著にあらわれます。アフガニスタンは戦争で荒廃した国であり、健全な介入が切実に必要とされています。 アフガニスタンは、1980年代のソビエト連邦の侵略と占領、1990年代初頭のムジャヒディン各派による内戦に苦しみ、1994年から現在まではタリバンの暴虐とテロに苦しんでいます。
This is true especially of developing countries such as Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a war-torn country in dire need of healthy intervention. The country has suffered from the Soviet Union invasion and occupation during the 1980s, civil war among Mujaheddin parties in the early 1990s, and from Taliban’s tyranny and terrorism from 1994 to present.
アフガニスタンの人々は、過去40年間、切望していたにも関わらず、平和の空気を吸うこともできませんでした。数百万人が命を落としました。 さらに多くの人々が強制移民と貧困に苦しみました。 そうした中、社会的およびその他の面で最も影響を受けてきたのは女性と若者たちでした。
The Afghan people have not been able to breathe from the much-needed air of peace for the last forty years. Millions lost their lives. Many more millions suffered from forced immigration and poverty. In all these, women and the youth have been most affected socially and otherwise.
Women were not able to practice sports due to the misogynistic patriarchy, strict religious laws, and the unfortunate tradition of keeping women subjugated in society. However, women and youth have always craved to practice sports because it brings joy and peace to their lives specially at times of war and conflict.
すべてのアフガニスタンのアスリートたちは、アフガニスタンの平和、安定、発展を促進したいと強く願っています。さらに、 スポーツは人々に夢を実現する力を与えます。
All Afghan athletes have a strong desire to promote peace, stability, and development in Afghanistan; among other benefits, sports empower people to make their dreams come true.
Sports in Afghanistan are receiving an increasingly positive response from the Afghan society. Athletes are getting invited to the different local TV shows, and radio programs.
Whenever, they get a chance to amplify their voices, they promote the message of peace and prosperity for the country. Athletes are playing a significant role of peacemakers in the society. They’re symbol of hope and are becoming role models for the younger generation.
アフガニスタンの女性アスリートは、ジェンダー平等を推進し、女性の権利の可視性を高めています。 あらゆる場面で、彼女たちは活躍の場を広げており、成功した女性として認知され始めています。
The female Afghan athletes are promoting gender equality and brining visibility to women’s rights. At every step of the way they attempt to take space in public spheres and making marks as successful women.
Afghanistan is a perfect example of the dynamics of gender role. Women are seen as the caregivers for their families, and men as the providers.
Women and girls didn’t have much of an opportunity to participate in sports based on the combinations of the issues mentioned above. Despite limited choices, poor security situation, outside and inside their homes, women and girls nevertheless manage to join different sports clubs, particularly the martial arts.
All forms of martial arts in Afghanistan became popular because it is mostly indoor activity. The uniform covers women from head to toe, and it has been perceived as respectful form of art and exercise by the society and the families.
Some of the forms of martial arts that have flourished in Afghanistan are: Judo, Yusho, Taekwando, Karate, which are taught and practiced in many martial arts centers in the country.
柔道は、アフガニスタンでさかんになった武道の良い例です。 1980年代後半にアフガニスタン国家警察を訓練していたドイツ人によって導入され、当時は男性しか練習できませんでした。
Judo sport is an excellent example of thriving martial arts in Afghanistan. It was introduced by a German citizen who was training the Afghan National Police in the late 1980s, and only men’s team was able to practice at that time.
その後、2001年にタリバン政権が崩壊した後、ノルウェーからの外交官、スティグ・トローヴィクが初めて柔道をアフガニスタンの女性に紹介しました。 トロ―ヴィク氏は、ノルウェーの全国大会で6回優勝していて、1992年に開催されたバルセロナオリンピックにも出場しました。現在は、ノルウェーの気候・環境省の特使を務めています。
Later, after the fall of the Taliban in 2001, a Norwegian diplomat to Afghanistan Stig Traavik introduced Judo to Afghan women for the first time. Mr. Traavik is a six times national champion and competed in Judo at the 1992 in Barcelona. He is currently a Special Envoy for the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment.
When women were welcomed to join the Judo sport, only three teenage girls joined the adventure in the entire country. There were many younger girls, but aged only 6 to 10.
It was a taboo in the Afghan society for women and girls to join sports clubs then. If women did, they were considered girls with loose moral or worse prostitutes. But most Afghan girls didn’t give up, nor they let the society’s misogynist dictators affect them. They persisted. They defied what was stopping them and participated and eventually competed in local and international Judo tournaments.

:Examples of Afghan girls making history in sports:
2004年、ファヒマ・ラザイーはインドのジュニア柔道大会に出場し、金メダルを獲得しました。 ファヒマにとっては初めての大会でしたが、彼女は優勝しました。 彼女が金メダルを獲得したことはアフガニスタン全土の誇りでした。 彼女は柔道で金メダルを獲得した最初のアフガニスタン人の少女です。
In 2004, Fahima Rezayee competed at juniors’ Judo tournament in India, and she earned a gold medal. This was Fahima’s first match, but she championed it. Her gold medal was pride for the entire nation of Afghanistan. She is the first Afghan girl to win a gold medal for Afghanistan in the sports of Judo.
ファヒマの快進撃は続きます。彼女はその後、NPO JUDOsから日本の東海大学で6カ月のトレーニングを受ける柔道奨学金を獲得しました。 彼女はそこで日本の厳しいトレーニングを受け、昼夜を問わず、一生懸命練習しました。 最終的に、ファヒマは講道館から黒帯を獲得しました。アフガニスタン人として初めてのことです。
Fahima did not stop. She later received a six -month Judo scholarship by NPO Judos in Japan at Tokai university. She practiced very hard, day and night, in the strict regimen of her Japanese school. Eventually, Fahima earned her black belt — as first Afghan person to do so — from the formidable Kodokan institute.
講道館は世界の柔道の中心地です。 柔道のメッカです。講道館は、世界に広がる柔道コミュニティの本部です。 講道館は1882年に柔道の創始者である嘉納治五郎によって設立され、現在は東京にある8階建ての建物で運営さえています。
Kodokan is the center of the Judo in the world. It is the Mecca of Judo. The Kodokan Judo Institute, or Kōdōkan, is the headquarters of the worldwide judo community. The kōdōkan was founded in 1882 by Kanō Jigorō, the founder of judo, and is now an eight-story building in Tokyo.
Nigara Shaheen is an Afghan Judo athlete currently living and studying in Russia. She is obtaining her Masters’ degree there. Shaheen is an IJF (International Judo Federation) athlete, who competes internationally. She has participated at the 2013 Asian Games in Hong Kong.
Shaheen’s latest competition was at the Grand Slam in Dusseldorf Germany in February 2020. She was selected to participate in the two other Grand Slams, in Ekaterinburg in Russia in March 2020, and in Hungary in October 2020. Unfortunately, she was unable to partake due to COVID 19.

Parwin Askari recently represented Afghanistan in the sport of Judo in the Grand Slam in Tashkent Uzbekistan. This was her first ever tournament. Her original weight category is -57kg, but she competed in -63 against a Judo athlete from England. Although, this was one weight category up her weight, she fearlessly faced her opponent and finished the match.

Now, there are more than one hundred girls in Afghanistan, who are currently enrolled and are practicing. The Afghan women’s Judo team is strong; they are tough, and they don’t take no for an answer from anyone socially oppressing them. These brave girls, however, are not immune to the violence against women. On multiple occasions, the Afghan female Judo athletes have stated that their brothers, male relatives, and neighbors are against their Judo sport. Many of these courageous girls have been received death threats.
Fatima, one of the girls from the Judo team, whose name has been changed and shortened due to security reasons, mentioned that “it feels good not to be beaten three days in a row”. Fatima’s brothers physically abuse her for attending the Judo classes, and they want to genuinely stop her, but she is not giving up.
女子柔道チームに所属するもう一人の女の子は、火傷した右腕の写真を見せてくれました。彼女のことも、安全上の理由からマリアム(仮名)と呼びます。彼女の兄弟は、柔道クラブに通うことなど彼女が自分自身で決断をしたため、熱いお茶に使われるお湯が入った魔法瓶を彼女に投げつけたそうです。マリアムは非常に勇敢です。 彼女は柔道の世界チャンピオンになりたいと思っています。 しかし、彼女の兄弟は彼女の夢に反対しています。火傷をした彼女は柔道の練習を休まなければいけませんでした。しかし、火傷が治ると彼女はまた練習を始めました。
Maryam, a second girl from the team, and whose name has also been changed, showed me a picture of her right arm that was burned. She said her brother threw a thermos of hot water (which is used for hot tea) at her for making decisions on her own, such as going to Judo clubs. Maryam is extremely brave. She wants to become a world Judo champion. But her brothers are against her ambitions. She missed many Judo classes due to this injury, however, she still showed up at the Judo mat until she healed up from the burns.
ファティマは美容師であり助産師であり、現在カブール大学でスポーツ科学を学んでいます。 彼女は柔道選手ですが、日常的に性差別に苦しんでいます。
Fatima is a beautician, a midwife, who is currently studying sports science at Kabul University. She is a Judo athlete, but she is facing gender discrimination on daily basis.
Fatima and Maryam have been gaining more respect at home after their determination, resilience, and commitment to the sports. They are making a name for themselves. Women and girls are seen as secondary citizens in Afghanistan, but the Judo athletes are challenging that and gradually earning respect as much men have by default.
The difference between the two genders in Afghanistan is not a ‘gap’; it is a valley.

フリバ・ラザイーは「Women Leaders of Tomorrow」の創設者兼事務局長であり、スポーツプロジェクト「GOAL(Girls of Afghanistan Lead)」をリードしています。彼女はアフガニスタンのカブールで生まれ育ちました。 18歳のとき、彼女は2004年にアテネで開催されたオリンピックで柔道に出場し、アフガニスタン初の女性オリンピック選手として歴史をつくりました。オリンピックへのフリバの参加は、タリバン政権の崩壊後のアフガニスタンをスポーツの世界的表舞台に戻しました。 アフガニスタンの女性アスリートのために革命を起こしたとも言える彼女から影響を受け、何百人ものアフガニスタンの少女たちが様々なスポーツに参加するようになりました。彼女は幼い頃からアフガニスタンでスポーツと教育の機会を女性と少女たちが享受できるように、積極的に活動してきました。
About the author: Friba Rezayee is the founder and the Executive Director of Women Leaders of Tomorrow and its leadership in sports project GOAL (Girls of Afghanistan Lead). She was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan. At the age of 18, she made history by competing in Judo at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens as Afghanistan’s first ever female Olympic athlete.Friba’s participation in the Olympics brought Afghanistan back to the world stage in sports after the fall of the Taliban. She inspired hundreds of other Afghan girls to join different sports, in a sports revolution for Afghan female athletes.She has been an outspoken and passionate advocate for women and girls’ access to sports and education in Afghanistan from an early age.