
以下のようなメール(最下段の英文)が2004年アテネ五輪アフガニスタンで初の女性オリンピアンとなったフリバ・ラザイーから届きました。一人の女子選手を大会に派遣するために10万円が大至急必要だということです。そこで、カルティベータでご寄付を募ることにしました。クレジットカードで2200円のチケットをご購入いただく形でご寄付が可能です。イベント記入の欄に「アフガニスタン女子柔道家支援」とお書きください。ご購入いただく枚数に制限はありません。どうぞご協力のほどよろしくお願いいたします。↓↓↓ こちらからお願いいたします。https://thecultivator.jp/2020/07/15/997/
彼女は昨年、日本の東海大学で世界的に有名な日本人コーチから柔道のトレーニングを受けました。彼女は現在、スポーツを通じてアフガニスタンの女性の自立を支援する非営利プログラムGOAL – Girls of Afghanistan Leadの支援を受けて、アフガニスタンの女性柔道チームを率いています。彼女が柔道をすることを選んだ理由を説明しているインタビュー動画はこちらです。ぜひご覧ください。(視聴中は英語字幕をオンにしてください。)https://studio.youtube.com/video/_P3NzWv9INg/edit

Profile of Afghan Women’s Judo Team
Name: Parwin Askari
Country: Afghanistan
Sports: Judo
Ranking: Member of national team
Date of birth: February 9th, 1998
Parwin Askari is a young and vibrant Afghan female Judoka currently training in Afghanistan. Her male team members were selected to compete at the upcoming IJF (International Judo Federation) tournament in Uzbekistan from March 5-7 2021, but she wasn’t because of her gender. She is determined to compete at this championship to set a precedent for women’s rights and gender equality. She needs your support to be able to travel from Afghanistan to Uzbekistan for this competition.
She has received professional Judo training from world’s well known Japanese coach sensie Kenjie at Tokai University in Japan. She is currently leading Afghanistan’s women’s Judo team with the help from GOAL – Girls of Afghanistan Lead non-profit programme. Here are the links for her interview explaining why she chose Judo sport:
Please turn on the English subtitles while watching the video!Afghanistan is known as one of the worst places to be a woman. However, there is hope for the girls. Despite the patriarchy, misogyny, and lack of resources, Afghan women have managed to fight for their rights, and have triumphed in their lives too. But Afghan women like Parwin Askari can’t win this fight alone. She needs your help.Recently, the security situation has worsening , but the youth and women are determined to go on with their lives.
There have been several attacks lately at the Kabul University and Kaswar Danish Tutoring center. The suicide bombing and car bombs have also increased. The former US president Donald Trump threatened to remove the entire American military presence in Afghanistan and leave the country back to the hands of the Taliban. The current peace talks between the Taliban, Afghan government and the US don’t seem to be promising in protecting Afghan women’s rights.
It is up to the civil rights movement to assure that we won’t go back to the dark regime of the Taliban. Parwin and none of her female teammates are supported by their families, in fact, they’re often prevented from coming to the dojo by their brothers and other male relatives. But Parwin’s principal mission is to empower herself through Judo to her independent life. She says tat “Throughout my life, I learned that the only way to fight patriarchy is to empower women. ”Judo Dojo is just more than an athletic center for her. Is a safe space for her. This is a place where they get to be themselves, gain confidence, become empowered and dare to dream to be free and independent.
Friba Resayee